Images - Within the Solar System

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The lunar and planetary conjunction of Jupiter, Venus and the Moon in 2012 over an atmospherically-lit Stonehenge, England
Lunar & Planetary Conjunction 2012
Comet Hale-Bopp on 30th March 1997 over an atmospherically lit Stonehenge, England
Hale-Bopp over Stonehenge

Planetary Conjunction of 2002

Lunar Eclipse over Stonehenge 2004

Full Moon 10/06

Partial Solar Eclipse 03/06

Lunar Eclipse over Stonehenge 2007

Lunar Occultation of Saturn
Real Time Video

Moon - Clavius Region

Moon - Alpine Valley

Mars - 2003 Opposition

Comet Lulin (C/2007 N3)

Comet Neat (C/2001 Q4)

Comet Ikeya-Zhang, April 7 2002

Hale-Bopp Medium Field

Hale-Bopp Over Luberon 

Asteroid Priscilla & M104

Jupiter & Saturn - 19/12/01

Aurora Borealis on 6/4/00





All text and images Copyright © 1997-2022 by Philip Perkins. All rights reserved.